Andrew Thibaudeau Class of 23′

Andrew Thibaudeau, Class of 23′, came back to be a coach at NGS’s Nike Basketball Camp!
We caught up with Andrew to ask him about university, coming back to coach, and his favourite NGS memory.

Q: What’ve you been up to?

AT: I am at McMaster, studying Kinesiology, I am looking to go into (either) Sport’s Psychology, or Physio…, otherwise I’ve been making a lot of friends, playing a lot of basketball, and (participating in) intramurals. I tried out for the basketball team, I’m still trying to make it, so we’ll see what happens… still having a lot of fun in the meanwhile!

Q: You’re coaching this summer at the Nike Basketball Camp, how did this all happen?

AT: … I’ve been doing Basketball Camp at Newton’s Grove for about… this is the 3rd summer I’ve been in it. The first summer I did it was in 2022 as a volunteer… and now in 2024 (as head coach). I’ve also built a good relationship with Scott Wheler (Director of Extended Programming) and he selected me to be the camp’s Head Coach. I took on the role because I love working with kids, I have a lot of little cousins and I love sports; I love helping kids improve their skills and if they want to learn, it makes my job easier, and I get a lot of fun out of it as well!

Q: Would you like to keep coaching after the summer? 

AT: …in the future I definitely want to be around sports in some way, like I had said, in (careers) like Sport’s Psychology, or Physio, even something like Sport’s Management, maybe. Definitely sports will surround my life (now) and into the future.

Q: What is your favourite NGS (Newton’s Grove School) memory?

AT: … I have a lot of memories at NGS, a lot of them (are) just laughing and learning with my friends, but I have to say my favourite memory was a basketball game. We were playing against St. Jude’s, it was the second round of the playoffs, and I scored 30 points that game! It was close game too, it came down to the wire, with 10 a point difference the whole time. We did unfortunately lose, but I would say that game, being with my team, in my Grade 12 year, was my best memory at NGS!

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