Celebrating Friendship and Kindness on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day at Newton’s Grove School is about more than just hearts and chocolates – it’s an opportunity to celebrate friendship and kindness throughout our school family. Our students will participate in various activities that emphasize the importance of showing care and consideration for others. 

It will also be a prime time to emphasize our annual school theme of Gratitude as we focus on all of the friends, family, and other support networks we have in our lives that help us in any capacity – professionally, academically, or personally. Granted, Valentine’s Day may be steeped in the celebration of romantic relationships. To us, though, it is also a time to remember and appreciate all different types of relationships, all of them special in their own unique ways.

In celebration of this year’s Valentine’s Day, we invite students to wear red, pink, or white as a representation of the bonds that allow us to enjoy such a strong and close-knit school community.

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