Cuba Music Trip

Newton's Grove School cuba trip

We are pleased to announce that the Senior Band will be traveling to Havana, Cuba, on a cultural and musical tour this coming March 8-15, 2020. This will be our fifth trip to Cuba, and this excursion has become a highlight of our school’s music program. Previous trips have been immensely rewarding for our students, who have often described the whole experience as “life-changing.” The itinerary is designed to expose students to a comprehensive overview of Cuban culture and history, including visits to an orphanage and to the rain forest. Our students will attend workshops with professional musicians and perform with Cuban Arts School students and teachers. This is an experience that is available only once every three years to senior students. Please consider this unique opportunity for your child to discover and share the universal language which is music. We will be having an information night this fall, and you are invited and encouraged to attend.

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