Inspiring Voices: Newton’s Grove TedX Student Talks

We’re thrilled to announce our upcoming – and very first – TedX event, featuring thought-provoking talks presented by our own Newton’s Grove students! 

The Ted brand moniker, “Ideas worth spreading”, certainly describes the nature of this event which will give our young leaders a platform to share their inspirational, unique perspectives, innovative ideas, and passionate beliefs. Or in the words of our Senior School Social Science Teacher, Mrs. Houle, “Being licensed to host a TEDx event is a privilege that comes with high standards. It requires us to curate speakers who bring innovative, thought-provoking, and impactful ideas to the stage. This ensures the quality of our event aligns with TED’s global reputation for excellence.”

And excellence we will witness! Our student speakers have been working diligently to prepare their presentations that centre around the topic, “A message from the next generation”. 

This event, hosted by students in Grade 9–12, with the leadership and guidance of our fabulous Mrs. Houle represents countless hours of research, preparation, and practice, and will enable our students to demonstrate their  competencies at public speaking and leadership.

We invite everyone in our community – students, parents, and our Alumni – to join us for this inspiring event where you’ll witness the insights and remarkable talents of our students. These talks not only showcase their knowledge and creativity but also their courage to stand up and share their ideas with the world.

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