Newton’s Grove Welcomes Our New Head of School!

Over the past few years, we have grown from a relatively small private school to a school of over 500 students. It has been an exciting journey to see our school thrive and grow in a way that offers a well-rounded, dynamic, and engaging experience for all our students. As part of this growth, we have seen several changes to Newton’s Grove – the establishment of a more formal and more structured Board of Directors, for example.

As part of that evolution and growth, we are excited to extend a warm welcome to Miss Cheri Grogan as she transitions from our principal to her new role as Head of School. Miss Grogan has worked in Education for over 30 years as a teacher, Assistant Head and Head of School in some of the finest schools in the GTA. More than her credentials, it is Miss Grogan’s ability to inspire, support, and lead others that makes her the perfect choice for our community. The opportunity to work alongside Miss Grogan in her role as principal has afforded us the opportunity to appreciate how like-minded she is, and how her core values as an educator and leader align so completely with those of our community. Quite simply, she is “our people.”  Her love of our school, her warm and approachable demeanor, her strong commitment to helping our students reach their full potential, and her supportive approach to helping our team deliver the best possible learning experience for our students is why Miss Grogan is our new Head of School.

We look forward to creating opportunities for you to connect with Miss Grogan in person in the new academic year.

I hope you share the excitement that we all feel in welcoming this incredible school leader as our new Head of School.

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